Scorpion Inc.


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- The Story -

Scorpion Precision Industry established to compete in the aeromodelling metal components industry.

Scorpion moves into pins photo-etching.

Pin stamping business rapidly expands to European markets.

Printed pins manufacturing commences.

Becomes second largest pin supplier and one of the top 3,000 exporting firms in Taiwan. This tremendous success leads to Scorpion Precision Industry (Hong Kong) Company Ltd being established to pioneer China investments.

Expansion to two factories in Taiwan with 700 workers. Now the biggest pins manufacturer in Taiwan with global sales exceeding US$ 11 million.

Shanghai factory established specializing in stamping and etching. Workers increased from 225 to 350.

Xiao-Lan pin processing factory comes on stream. Original workforce of 550 increased to 800 by the end of 1999.

Shanghai factory incorporated into Xiao-Lan factory in order to reduce lead times and generate economies of scale with state-of-the-art equipment.

Product range expands with commissioning of Rubberized PVC plant in Guangdong Province, China.

Construction commences on the third factory in Guangdong producing metal badges, PVC items and embroidery badges. Workforce total will reach 2,000.

China sales office is set up. Hong Kong headquarters in charge of marketing, shipping and accounting issues. Our China factory is approved by Disney and BMW.

Our factory is approved by Glen Dimplex, Ireland.

Our New plating and PVC factories of 2000 square meters each began operation, and also passed the ISO 9002 certification.  Our Hong Kong headquarters office move to a brand new location, we preovide much more facilities for customer to enjoy, such as; 2 show rooms, and 2 meeting rooms, and a spectacular exhibition show display.

Since our business is expanding, we will have 2 extra factories:  Xiao-Lan Factory and Shao-Guan factory, bringing the total to 6 factories. The Xiao-Lan Factory will be completed and ready for production in December 2005.  It will have a 35,000 square meters working area.  The construction of the Shao-Guan factory has started in December 2004, and will be completed at the end of 2006.  Our factory has been approved by McDonald restaurant.

Our Shao-Guan factory will be expanded to 160,000 square meters and becomes operational at the end of 2006. Shao-Guan factory departments include; Plating, PVC, Stamping, etc……

Our Xiao-Lan factory is fully operated with 1200 workers in a 35,000 square meters working area. Our Shao-Guan factory starts production with 1000 workers in a 160,000 square meters.

Our Xiao-Lan factory underwent a year long quality and environmental evaluation process. It is now ISO 9001 - 2002, and ISO 14000 - 2004 certified. Our Hong Kong office relocated on December, 2007. The new facility doubled the size of its old to 15,000 / sq. feet in size.  

We have added a CNC section in our production with 8 CNC machines. After 3 years of R&D and marketing efforts, Scorpion became one of the important players in electric power system for remote piloted vehicle. We have also started to develop wind power generators and created a new subsidiary company as Scorpion Power System to venture in this field.

Shao-Guan facility rec’d its trial permits for plating & water recycling plants. PVC factory has been accredited with ISO9001:2000 & ISO14001:2004 & GMC. PVC factory has been accredited by HKQAA with SA8000 certifications.

We have joined the membership of GMC group and have a successful fashion walk event showing our patent USB design in Shanghai World Expo event.

In Hong Kong main office, we have increased the size of sales team and procurement department to provide professional service and to broaden the diversity of our product category for catering the needs of worldwide customer.                           

Scorpion drives into its 25th Anniversary, we added automatic colouring, printing machines and used ERP system to provide a professional quality to our valuable customers. The Waste Disposal Permits have been issued by the Guangdong province government to our factories in Xiao-Lan & Shao-Guan, we are one of very few metal craft factories who can do plating in house in Guangdong while the government has suspended to issue more permits in this region.


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